Hello, I'm just looking for answers on what to do with my Moth Orchid while it is out of bloom. The last bloom fell off about a week ago and now I have beautiful foliage with a 2 foot stalk. Its not so stunning right now. How can I care for it and insure that it blooms again next season. Please let me know any info or where to find some. Thank You
Tons of info about phalaenopsis on web, or at your local library. Mainly, you just gotta wait. Mine generally bloom about twice a year. They need time to rest up after blooming. Bright curtain-filtered light---nice airy growing medium (most of mine are in bark)---keep well-misted but never soggy. ---Often the plant will decide to have another round of flower production if the flower stems are let be until they are without question shriveled up and brown. Depends on a lotta things: orchid variety, growing conditions, and your individual plant. So, in answer to your question---enjoy it! Sounds as if it is happy and healthy... keep doing whatever it is you're doing and have patience. Welcome to the Forum!
Thank you for the reply! I read somewhere that I should cut the stalk at the first "nub", is this correct or do I just leave it be and keep watering it as usual?
Cutting a finished flowering stalk is a matter of personal choice. Removal of the stalk above the 1st or 2nd node is quite common with the thought being that the plant already has a base to continue to produce flowers from (sometimes Phals will also produce keikis{babies} from nodes). On the other hand having a stick jutting out of your plant for months may be considered unsightly by some and the plant will produce an entirely new flower spike when it's ready to bloom again. On some of my Phals experience has shown that the plant will quicky produce flowers from a cut stalk while others will sit or slowly turn brown over time and never produce flowers from an old stem. The main thing is to keep the plant's leaves and roots healthy with plenty of indirect sun and a night temperature drop (not too cool) and these plant can bloom multiple times per year. I also move my flowering Phals away from the window when all the blooms are open to get maximum life out of the flowers. Shaun