I've been asked to review a document, and it refers to leaves of the "kwasoc" plant, a plant that grew in "meadows". The leaves were edible. The locale is what was Poland and is now the Ukraine. The word is probably a Polish term. Does anyone recognize this name and know what kind of plant this is? Thanks!
Kwasoc (I would write Ukrainian name as kvasock), -- this is garden sorrel, Rumex acetosa. It is used for cooking here, mainly early spring. Root of the word (kvas) is used in many Slavic languages to describe something sour, acidic: Polish word kwasy means acid, Ukrainian/Russian kvas is a sour beverage made of bread.
Hello and thanks for the reply. I also found the following link http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2275233. It corroborates your information (see Rumex entry). I appreciate your input!