British Columbia: UBC Farm - plant workshops - Aug 21-24 2019

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Workshops, Events, and Societies' started by Frog, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Four workshops at UBC Farm with Sarah Orlowski

    Strategic Plant Choices for Sustainable Agriculture

    Wed., August 21, 2019 5:45 - 8:45 pm

    From xeriscaping to food supply, from butterfly attractants to deer repellents, various plants provide various functions and we can pick and choose amongst them to find the ones that best suit our needs, location and climate. This workshop will focus on how to choose from a seemingly endless selection of possible plants and trees to make your own garden the most satisfying it can be for you. We are all unique and thus, our garden will reflect that. Bring your questions and an open mind.

    To register:…/strategic-p…/

    Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Thurs., August 22, 2019 5:45 - 8:45 pm

    This Vancouver workshop explores how to bring the healing effect of herbs into your daily cuisine. Certain herbs are used in the kitchen on a regular basis and although these herbs are used for flavour, they also have a medicinal component. Others are mostly overlooked as a food even though there is great potential for incorporating them into your regular meal plan. When a family member is sick, we can tweak our recipes to make them more conducive to healing. We can prepare food according to the seasons to stay balanced and healthy in all different types of climate and weather. Take home samples of healthy condiments that we will create together.

    To register:…/let-food-be…/

    Woodland Herb Walk on Sat. August 24, 2019, 1:00 - 4:00 pm

    Beneath the canopy of the tall Pacific Northwest conifers, we will meander through a forested area, learning about the many uses of these spectacular trees as well as the beautiful, little plants beneath them that call this type of forest home. From medicine to building to domestic and food use, this unique ecosystem has provided sustenance and shelter to humans for many centuries. Come and absorb the forest energy and learn its hidden secrets.…/woodland-he…/

    Garden Herb Walk on Sat., August 24, 2019, 9:00 a.m. - noon

    Stroll through the fabulous gardens of UBC Farm, learning how to differentiate plants using identifying features and applying both common and Latin names. Learn about their many uses for humans, animals and the environment in which they grow and how the different flavours of a plant help to indicate the effect they can have on the body. Leave with increased confidence in plant identification and understand why some cultures attribute plants with different character traits.

    To register:…/garden-herb…/

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