I was going to post this Sorbus megalocarpa for ID, but then when I remembered I should get a photo of the trunk, I found a UBCBG label on it! I felt like I'd met up with an old friend. I have actually posted photos of this species at UBCBG three times, but all in 2013, plenty long enough to forget all about it. Aside from the huge-for-sorbus leaves and hefty branches, I found the leaf arrangement interesting - alternate until the branch tips, where the leaves all bunch up so they look whorled. I was trying to find whether the name means large fruits or large leaves - you'd think pages would say. I found on the Sorbus megalocarpa Large-fruited whitebeam Large-leaved rowan Care Plant Varieties & Pruning Advice page common names of Large-fruited whitebeam, Large-leaved rowan. That's no help. @Andy Hill, do we have you to thank for this nice surprise? Have you sent us others I should be looking out for?
Ouch.. that label and wire look like they're hurting that tree! Yep, we love to share cool plants with the city. Not always sure where they get planted and it's fun to see this one in such a gorgeous location!
This Sorbus megalocarpa is in full bloom now. I was excited to see the flowers, until I realized how stinky they are. I do not recommend this tree for a home garden, unless the flower smell is short-lived. I was not expecting the flowers to be so yellow - the shrub was very visible a block away from across the park.
I didn't notice any others with flowers or even buds, except for whatever those things are on the S. caloneura I posted.