Locations of 'Snofozam' cherries get listed here. Downtown: one tree in a planter near the Aquabus dock at the foot of Hornby, see photos. Dunbar-Southlands: one tree on 38th at Wallace, northeast corner, reported so far only in the Snofozam forum in Ornamental Cherries. Kensington-Cedar Cottage: 29th and Inverness, see photos. The second set of photos in that posting were identified in a subsequent posting. Richmond: Acheson St east of Minoru, see photos. This was also identified in a subsequent posting. Shaughnessy: VanDusen Botanical Garden, not sure how many - just one pictured.
More 'Snofozam' neighbourhoods. White Rock: one tree at 132A St at 20A Ave, see photos. 140A St near 17B Ave weeping 'Snofozam' tree, see photos. Ash and Victoria (route to the ocean), photos. Same posting, 12Ave & 160Str
Have these all been compared and determined to be the same? I have doubts about at least a couple - older, gnarly ones could be particularly suspect, unless this American introduction somehow got into that area and spread around sooner than down here.
Thanks, Ron. Hard to compare them when they're all private trees. Only the VanDusen one came with a label. 'Snofozam' was introduced in 1985. When did it start showing up in Seattle?
Please continue the ID discussion in this thread: Which single white weeping cherry, early mid season?
More locations: North Delta and Surrey: 120th (Scott Road) and Woodhurst, one tree at each end of the driveway, partially hidden behind a hedge, photos