West End locations [edited by wcutler 2011oct01 - all West End locations will be listed in this posting] *in the lane south of Alberni, between Broughton and Jervis *Return to Cardero and continue to Comox to see a Shirofugen [edited 2011nov6 by wcutler:]here's an autumn photo. *in the minipark/easement at 1239 Georgia - please see pictures in West End (technically, that's downtown, but they were posted in the West End). West End/Stanley Park: a grove of Shirofugens at the playground near the Japanese Memorial are worth a trip. [More locations added 2011oct01 by wcutler] Two trees just west of the Aquatic Centre on Beach Ave and one very nice one across the street at Thurlow. And two old trees and three (?) newly planted (2011) trees along the seawall below Jervis St. See photos. Pendrell, midway between Thurlow and Bute, at an apartment building, one very nice tree quite near one 'Shogetsu' for comparison. Photos.
Fairview *8 Shirofugen in a front courtyard of an apartment building (Laurel &7th) - please see pictures in Fairview. [Edited 2011oct01 by wcutler]One nicely situated tree in the doggie park area of Charleston Park on the south side of False Creek, see photos. Three or so trees on 5th at Fir outside the Lazy Gourmet. See photos.
Strathcona *Shirofugens, at Gore and Union - please see pictures in Strathcona. [Edited 2011oct03 by wcutler] One tree at Pender and Gore, on the grounds of the angular Anglican church, see photos.
Oakridge *Cambie Street south of 49 Ave - please see pictures in Oakridge [Edited 2011oct03 by wcutler] One tree on 48th at Columbia, see photos.
Shirofugens are one of the last cherries to bloom, and they last a long time, as much as a month, the blossoms changing their appearance dramatically from when they open in early May. By the end of May, they're look very curious, with little leaves growing out of the centres. Some Shirofugen locations from 2009 not mentioned last year: Downtown: 401 West Georgia: Homer Street entrance [Edited 2011oct03 by wcutler] Also Downtown, on Milross at Quebec, several young 'Shirofugen', see photos. And across from Burrard Station on Melville, three good-looking trees, probably the first in the city to open. See photos. Ten trees on Georgia west of Bute, north side, in a small courtyard that passes thru to the lane (properly belong in this Downtown neighbourhood), see photos here. Kensington-Cedar Cottage: two nice Shirofugens in front of the Church on 32nd at Beatrice Kensington-Cedar Cottage: interesting tree at Windsor and E. 31 Victoria & 26th, in Brewers Park, a 2009 Festival Favourite, see photos Kensington-Cedar Cottage: Mountainview Cemetery, 41st & Prince Edward, twelve shirofugens Kerrisdale: 3 Shirofugens in the yard of Kerrisdale Community Center(Yew & 43)and Also on 46th between E Blvd & Maple Richmond: Gilbert & Elmbridge, ten trees each side of the street Richmond: Dorchester Circle (7291-7 Moffatt Road), seven trees [Edited 2011oct03 by wcutler] Also Richmond, three trees in the parking lot of King Buffet Restaurant on No 3 Road (near Leslie), photos. And eight trees in the Canadian Tire parking lot, also No 3 Road, up about 11 blocks, at Capstan Way, see photos. There are two map entries at Minoru Park, with no forum postings. Victoria-Fraserview, 3 trees on Fleming St., 49-51 Ave (photos). And five old trees on the block of 48th east of Victoria, see photos.
Burnaby: About 20 Shirofugens at SFU, across from Strand Hall next to Academic Quadrangle [edited 2011nov6 by wcutler]: the neighbourhood for these on the festival map is called "SFU" to allow for a later blooming date than the rest of Burnaby.
Found a few more Shirofugens that were posted: Kerrisdale: Kerrisdale Community Centre, 43rd and Yew, 42nd-44th and Yew, and 46th, East Blvd to Maple Kitsilano, Burrard & Cypress, south end of the Burrard Bridge, one nice tree. [Edited 2011oct03 by wcutler] And one tree at 1st and yew, see photos. 8th, east of Arbutus, two 'Shirofugen' and one 'Shogetsu'. See photos. South Cambie: Willow, north of 41st [Edited 2011oct03 by wcutler] Also South Cambie, on 16th, south side, east from Oak St, several trees in front of an apartment building, see photos. Same posting, also on 16th, at Ash, trees on both streets in front of an apartment building, see photos. The Cambie median has several trees at 25th and 26th. They're mentioned in this inventory, but no photos. There are a lot of 'Shirofugen' on other blocks of the median farther south, see Oakridge and Marpole.
Not a timely posting. 'Shirofugen' locations from 2010/2011 postings, not listed here yet. Dunbar-Southlands: fourteen 'Shirofugen' on the block of 24th west of Highbury have been a festival favourite. See photos. Grandview-Woodland: Grove of fifteen Shirofugens at the southeast corner Adanac and Salisbury (parkette), see photos. Killarney: one 'Shirofugen' in a line of 'Ichiyo' - surely a mistake, see posting Marpole: Several 'Shirofugen' on the Cambie median below 57th have been a festival favourite location, see photos.. Mount Pleasant: five 'Shirofugen' on 4th Ave east of Quebec, north side. See photos. Also at 2nd and Prince Edward, two trees on the corner, with an avium in between. See photos. New Westminster: two young trees at the main entrance to Douglas College on 8th Avenue just south of Royal Ave, photo. Riley Park: tree reported with blossoms in mid-July, 2011, on 37th near the QE golf course fence east of Manitoba. See blossom photos, and photos of the tree from 2010. Also, four trees on St George, 28th to 29th, see photos 30th east of Walden, photos 41st west of Fraser, twelve trees in the cemetery, see photos Shaughnessy: one new tree at VanDusen, see photos. W. 26th, Osler to Selkirk was a 2007 festival favourite, but it has not been reported on the forums UBC: several wide-spreading 'Shirofugen' at Nitobe Memorial Garden, photos. And on West Mall just south of Bio-Sciences Road, photos. The same posting shows two 'Shirofugen' (only one looks really nice) along Marine Drive at Marine Towers. There's a map entry for one tree next to 'Amanogawa' at University and Main Mall. There doesn't seem to be a forum mention of this. West Point Grey: two trees at Jericho Beach and four at Spanish Banks concession stand, see photos. I'm not sure if these two west of the Jericho Sailing Club are the same location or not, see photos. On Belleview east of Belmont, on a street with several other cultivars, is one 'Shirofugen', see photos (last ones in the posting). On 7th between Trimble and Sasamat is one 'Shirofugen' on a street with 10 'Ukon', see photos.
>Shirofugen's< Note apostrophe should be removed. And really 'Shirofugen' (including single quotes) should be used to indicate both multiple and individual specimens, as in "Here's a list of the house numbers for all the 'Shirofugen' on 5th Avenue" as well as "Look at that big 'Shirofugen'!"
Okay, I know, I just wasn't changing the original postings. I've changed this one, have left your comments, which are helpful, and I'll change the plurals in at least some of the postings I'm editing. Thanks, Ron.
Not a timely posting this year either - 'Shirofugen' locations from 2012 North Vancouver: four 'Shirofugen' on Wilding Way, see photos. Also 25 'Shirofugen' trees on Tempe Glen Dr, photos. 8 nice 'Shirofugen' trees on the grass SW corner of West 8th at Chesterfield Avenue, photos 3 large 'Shirofugen' trees at 130 W 5th Street, photos A 'Shirofugen' cherry tree located amidst 6 'Kanzan' trees on the ICBC Plaza - SW corner, photos 6 Shirofugen cherry trees on north side of E 2nd Street, photos. White Rock / South Surrey: Centennial Park, see photos. Also, Two trees at Ocean Park Rd south from 20Ave, photos. One tree on 134 Str near 22aAve, photos. 'Shirofugen and Shirotae cherries on the entrance of 131 Str south from 20 Ave, photos. One tree at George St north from Russell Ave, photos 2 mature 'Shirofugen' cherries on Roper Ave west from Martin St , photos 3 'Shirofugen' cherries at 18 Ave east from 156A St, photos Very mature and impressive Shirofugen cherry at Vidal St north from Thrift Ave, photos 'Shirofugen' at 138 St between 20 and 20A Ave., photos On 142 Str between 20 Ave and 19A Ave are several 'Shirofugen', 'Kanzan' and Avium trees, photos. 2 'Shirofugen' cherries on 144 St north from 16 Ave, photos 4 'Shirofugen' trees at Cameshare Senior Support at 151 St at 25 Ave, photos Southmere Crescent(east)from Martin Dr. 10 young 'Shirofugen', photos 2229 to 2239-152St(Semiahmoo Community) 8 'Kanzan' and 5 'Shirofugen' trees along the building, photos. 10 'Shirofugen' trees are at the White Rock Public library and White Rock City office, photos Bank of Montreal on Martin Dr near Southmere Cr, 6 'Shirofugen' trees, photos 31A Ave and Northcrest Dr, one nice 'Shirofugen', photos 2 'Shirofugen' cherries on 30A Ave from 145A St, photos