: ) seeds you have, and seeds you want...

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by The Hollyberry Lady, May 11, 2009.

  1. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    This thread will be for people who want to do seed exchanges only. I have given many free seeds away, but now would like to expand my collection and do trades only. Thank you for understanding.

    : )

    You can make a 'have' list that you are offering, and a 'want' list that you would like to obtain. You can also edit your lists throughout the season, according to what you have available at different times.

    The following are my lists...

    I HAVE

    - organic, unroasted, viable coffee beans (Peruvian & El Salvadorian varieties)
    - 'dwarf french petit' marigolds
    - 'goldi locks' rudbeckia
    - jerusalem cherry
    - red geranium and other assorted colors
    - 'crimson rambler' morning glory (red with white throats)
    - canary melon (small and extra sweet)
    - honey dew melon
    - over 10 different heirloom tomato varieties
    - many ornamental and edible hot peppers
    - 'string of beads' cuttings
    - Japanese florabunda wisteria seeds
    - 'dwarf queen' aster
    - 'blue prince/princess' and 'blue boy/girl' hollyberry cuttings
    - light pink maverick geranium seeds
    - hollyhock (black and mixed colors)
    - poppy (red and pink varieties)
    - drummondi phlox (mixed colors but rare blue is in the mix too!)
    - F1 hybrid Impatiens (mixed colors)
    - red, yellow, and orange sweet bell peppers (not mixed - separate)
    - 'Temptation' everbearing strawberry (great for hanging baskets)
    - 'fruit basket' sweet orange pepper (perfect hanging basket pepper plant)
    - Goji berry (Lycium barbarum)
    - ornamental cabbage
    - 'Venus' novelty pink fully double, feathery poppy
    - bright pink Cyclamen
    - 'magic carpet mix' snapdragon
    - true blue cornflower

    I WANT

    - dwarf banana seeds or pups - especially types with red leaves
    - pink or raspberry toad lily seeds
    - venus flytrap seeds or plants
    - moss or trailing phlox (pinks or purples)
    - passion flower varieties
    - Japanese red maple seeds
    - african violet seeds (no cuttings)
    - primrose seeds
    - clematis seeds in pink varieties - or any other color too
    - nelumbo nucifera lotus - all colors
    - ornamental hot or sweet peppers that turn many colors

    Some hot pepper varieties I have, or will have shortly:

    ~ Black Cuban
    ~ Black Scorpion Tongue
    ~ Purple Pepper
    ~ Numex Twilight
    ~ Numex Centennial
    ~ Tobasco
    ~ Peach Habanero
    ~ Orange Habanero
    ~ Fish (heirloom)
    ~ Jimmy Nardello (looks like red cayenne, but fruits are sweet!)
    ~ Togarashi (5 color Japanese pepper)
    ~ Ornamental Variegated Japanese pepper
    ~ Purple Tiger
    ~ Fire Cracker
    ~ Aurora
    ~ Explosive Blast
    ~ Medusa
    ~ Little Blue Pot
    ~ Long Red Cayenne
    ~ Trifetti Variegata
    ~ Bolivian Rainbow
    ~ Black Pearl
    ~ Fluorescent Purple
    ~ Red Cherry
    ~ Purple Cayenne

    My lists will be changing all the time. Especially in late summer, early Fall - I will have many more seeds to add to my 'have' list, as I collect and dry them. Trades can be arranged through PM's.

    If you are looking to add to your own collection, as well as contribute to someone elses - this is the thread for you!

    Hope to see what others have and want, as well. Who knows, if we don't communicate...

    : )
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  2. tugo

    tugo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Hi Hollyberry Lady;
    From your want list, I can send you some Crimson Queen seeds but most probably on october-november.
  3. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    What exactly are crimson queen, Tugo? Thank you for the offer.

    What, from my 'have' list would you be interested in? I will be adding things shortly to my list - just need to go through my seeds, and see what I have...

    : )
  4. tugo

    tugo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Acer Palmatum,JM, red.
    I have time to choose:)) Also not necessary, you know.
  5. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Oh the maple - of course! Wow - thanks Tugo. That is so nice of you. Yes, wait, because the list will be added to, very soon...

    : ]
  6. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oklahoma, US
    Can I use this thread too? hehe.

    Seeds I have:
    Horehound seeds
    Blue Hyssop Seeds
    St. Johns Wort Seeds
    Heirloom(?) Catnip Seeds
    Various Wandering jew cuttings (some rooted)
    Loooots of African Violet plants
    Small Ponytail Palm Plants
    A few different Kalanchoe baby plants

    Seeds I Want:
    Marigold Seeds (Anything other than the terrible "marigold" color!)
    Moonflower Seeds
    Honeysuckle Seeds
    Trumpet Vine Seeds
    Hoya Cuttings (or plants, or seeds?)

    I'm sure there are lots of other seeds I could be interested in, just message me.
  7. ShearMe

    ShearMe Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Dallas, USA (Zone 8a)
    I have loquot seeds... any takers?
  8. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Is that some kind of a tree? I would like to learn more. I will try to research it and see what I come up with...

    : )
  9. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oklahoma, US
    I think it's a type of fruit. a citrus...

    Hm...I'm also looking for Eucalyptus seeds. I want to see if I can grow it in a container. It'll be fun, I'm sure!
  10. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Yup, I heard it is some kind of fruit tree! I want it!

    Time too, for me to remove a few things from my 'want' list, as someone has already been so kind as to supply me with some of my desires. I am so excited to recieve their package, I am nearly bursting!

    Also, yes Tugo, I will ask you about the maple seeds again in Oct/Nov., but I must send you something in return! After all, this is a seed traders thread, and we must do an exchange! I know it isn't necessary, but it is fun to trade, and it allows us both to have something new.

    : )))
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  11. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    i have MANY St. Johns Wort Seeds growing how can I collect the seeds I want them to grow in another area of our terraced rock garden . When the collect and how to collect . I looove the yellow flowers with the bottle brush like pistils.. So pretty
  12. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    I have several nice CLEMATIS but nothing PINK only white , blue , dark blue .. I had Passion flowers last year I thought it was a perrenial but they did not come back at all this year. I LOVE the flowers HOW to collect the seed and when I could go round at others gardens ;-) haha.. I will have at least 200 Day lillies plant blooming this year I hope found the all growing along a ditch along a road on the same empty plot with the kale probably an EX garden
    of someone.. so I went digging in broad daylight no shame as no one took them over one year.. and replanted them as a hedge sort of thing all along our terraces .. you seem to have so many nice little seeds of flowers.. Can one START even now or later in spring will they still grow THIS YEAR?
  13. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Don't know much about St' John's wort, but here's some information I found on the internet for ya....

    Hope this helps you, vicarious1.

    : )

  14. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Well, you're right it is late, most of my seeds were started in March. Annuals however, are fast growing, and could still be sown now. Seeds sown directly in the garden will still take off and just bloom later than usual. My seeds are extremely fresh and viable though, so they will be more than ok to plant next season, even!

    I am going to pm ya tomorrow, so we can work this out specifically. You will be very happy, trust me. I am glad you like the flower seeds. They are not hard to grow at all.

    : )
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  15. tugo

    tugo Active Member

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    Hi Hollyberry Lady;
    Today I checked my maple, has only 3 very young seeds on yet, but till october, will be many more for you. Here is the young mother:

    In the time, I will choose seeds from you also, sure:))
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  16. tugo

    tugo Active Member

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    By the way, here I have to thank to forum members under the "genius acer" section, who helped me to choose the above maple last year to buy and advised me how to transplant and take care of her. She looks very healthy and beautiful (imo)
  17. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Toronto, Ontario
    I'm seeds only; I can't send or receive cuttings here.

    Yellow and Red Tamarillo
    2 varieties of Papaya
    White Pineapple
    Assorted Capsicum baccatum cultivars
    Ambato Dwarf Lime
    Ambato Dwarf Mandarin
    Ambato Dwarf Pear
    Red table grapes
    Black table grapes
    2 Brugmansia alba seeds
    A growing collection of edible Passiflora
    Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense)
    Red Guava (Psidium guajava)
    Babaco (maybe - we'll see what happens)

    White Guava (Feijoa guajava)
    Heirloom watermelon

    St. John's Wort
    Arnica montana
    Echinacaea purpurea
    Any and all tomatoes, esp. Romas and similar pear-shaped ones
    Lettuce, especially the Romaine varieties
    Bosc Pears
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  18. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)

    How do I see the seeds? NEVER LOOKED for one on a tree must admit . I have a HUGE gorgeous tree like that I love made it like a HUT with entrance door :-) and could maybe send some seeds to Holly berry lady :-) IF I have some I DO NOT KNOW :-) how dumb is that ..it's bright red now will send a pic to her

    Attached Files:

  19. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Wow, you are so creative vicarious1! I am amazed at that tree! Wonderful - thank you for showing me. Yes, I would love some. I am going to pm you a bit later so we can work this out - I am late getting stuff done today because I was up half the night!

    Tugo, that young tree is beautiful! I am so grateful to you for sharing them with me! Thanks for the lovely picture. It looks very healthy, and pretty. Looking very forward to growing it.

    Lorax - I know we are still involved in a seed trade from before, but I wondered if I did in fact mail you a few different kinds of romaine - it's been awhile, so I forget. I want to mail you all my varieties, if not. Also too, you should be receiving that package from me soon - it's nearly been about three weeks! I am so nervous until you confirm that they have been received! You are going to be very happy! Didn't get your 2nd mailings yet, but I have my fingers crossed...

    : )
  20. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Toronto, Ontario
    You did, and I´m always looking for more, so no worries. I haven´t checked my mail in a while but I´m planning to on Monday or Tuesday when the clubhouse reopens, and I´ll let you know then.

    I´ve had stuff go missing in the last 2 mailings I´ve done, so I´d give them another couple of weeks and if they´re not there by then I´ll resend them. The third set will have some passionflowers in it.
  21. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    OMG - I love passion flower! I have a vine growng now from seed, but your varieties that we discussed previously, sound incredible! I am so excited! The romas I sent ya are VF hybrids! You are in for a real treat. I got you your very own packet, because I know you love them so much!

    Great about the romaine! I should have known that you are just a 'seedaholic' like me, who wants all the varieties available in our favorite plants! I know you like the romaines, but the 'buttercrunch' I sent will be awesome too. Oh man, I can just imagine the salads around your place this season! Mmmmmm.

    I am so glad I began this thread because it will be great for us all to trade stuff over the years! This thread never has to die, because we can edit our lists, each year! Wow, this is so cool.

    Can't wait to give and receive all the wonderful new kinds of plants we will all be growing...

    : )))
  22. ShearMe

    ShearMe Active Member

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    Dallas, USA (Zone 8a)
    I have a can of loquat seeds that I save after chewing on the yummies if you'd like me to send you some Hollyberry. :)

    Response to other thread: The two in my backyard are 15-20 ft tall but I'm seeing how a baby - that mysteriously showed up in my front flowerbed - will do in a pot out side.
  23. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

    Likes Received:
    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    I would certainly be willing to send you one of my varieties of your choice from my list, in exchange for the loquat seeds, ShearMe.

    Send me a pm...

    : )
  24. ShearMe

    ShearMe Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Dallas, USA (Zone 8a)
    Only ONE problem with that - how do i send a pm? lol

    EDIT: I got it. ;)
  25. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)

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