Hi to everyone! I have just registered and this is my first post! Please forgive my lousy English because it is not my main language. I have been enjoying for quite a while the daily posts of Botany Photo of the Day (actually I love it!) and wanted to share something too. I have just received a note about a free on line book about rare Brazilian plant species, published by the Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana in Brazil and Conservation International with the effort of 170 scientists and 55 institutes. The book is in Portuguese but there is a nice photo gallery and some list of species that can be useful to many. This is the link to the main page: http://www.plantasraras.org.br/ ... and the page for download: http://www.plantasraras.org.br/livro.php You can download the whole book ("livro completo") or chapters (capÃtulos). I hope you enjoy! Tchau! (bye, bye in portuguese) :)
Welcome to the Forum, Candida! Thank you for sharing this great book and lovely photos. And your English is of superior quality to that of many to whom it is their native language! Glad to have you here.