Open Invitation to PNWP&EPS General Meetings for 2020

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Workshops, Events, and Societies' started by pmurphy, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    The Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society will be holding its first General Meeting of 2020 on Monday March 23rd.
    Additional meetings will be held Monday evenings on May 25th, September 28th and November 23rd (AGM). These meetings will start at 7:30PM in the Floral Room at Van Dusen Garden.

    This is an open invitation to all; GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT THESE MEETINGS.
    Come and meet fellow palm and exotic plant fanatics and share knowledge and stories!

    As well as informing members as to the events and activities for the coming year this first meeting will also include the annual SEED & SEEDLING SWAP.

    With Spring around the corner everyone's thoughts will be turned towards their gardens and the excitement of new plants so now is the time to starting thinking about starting those seeds.

    ** Please note, you are not required to bring seeds in order to take some home; just your presence will allow you to participate**

    The Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society (PNWP&EPS) is a non-profit chapter of the International Palm Society. They are dedicated to the successful cultivation of palms and other exotic plants outdoors in British Columbia, Washington and Oregon.

  2. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC

    Due to COVID-19 and the closing of Van Dusen the March 23rd meeting has been cancelled until further notice.
    But if the Society piques your interest we still invite you to check out the website, PNWPEPS

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