Hello new here. Im currently doing a one year Horticulture course at a campus irl and nearly finished. I have this plant which is a: mums - chrysanthemum but I swear the leaves are really weird and i looked on google and the leaves look nothing like it should. I threw the packet out ages ago. Its possible its a cultivar version but still I don't reckon the leaves should look like that. What do you guys think?
Seems within the range of possibility, there are plenty of cultivars of other species that have leaves that are nowhere near recognizable to the species. There's also the possibility that this is from a different genus. I don't recognize the cultivar or seed mix, sorry.
This reminds me of a plant offered in plant centres here as a summer annual. It is a California native Asteraceae, but I never seem to remember the name of it.
Yes - finally! thank you from garden nr UBC - as crow flies I think you’ve connected across both Pacific hémisphères today I could not ID for several years a common self seeding nice little flower in my coast garden And as of today - I think it is one of the marguerites (Size of flower blooming now is approx a Cdn or US 25 cent coin - and maybe 15 inch tall) (the leaves in photo are aster not marguerite) Argyranthemum - FineGardening
I can't see the leaves of your plant, but that looks like feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium another relative. Feverfew seeds and comes back in our area, but I don't think Argyranthemum does.
Hère are some pix I just took out here at the coast Thé pink is a foxglove « petal » for scale The tiny ants are busy herding thé even tinier black aphids
PS to above - the flower AND leaf have that distinct « chrysanthemum » scent Pungent - like Okanagan sagebrush