Miscanthus: Wrap, Cut, Divide

Discussion in 'Poaceae' started by M. D. Vaden, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. M. D. Vaden

    M. D. Vaden Active Member 10 Years

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    Beaverton, Oregon
    One of my favorite ornamental grasses are the big miscanthus. Tried out something for the first time on our own this weekend. Pre-bundling the stems before taking the hedge trimmers out. I tied to a handful of stems, walked around a few times and bundled the tops. Tops layed like felling a tree. Used natural twine.

    I divide mine for extras or for gifts to friends and other gardeners. The best way I found is to chop the center through with an axe - too hard for a shovel. Easily could have made the half into two quarters.

    Planted this one June of 2008 as a 5 gallon plant. This is one of my fun things in the year.

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  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Isn't Miscanthus showing up on various invasive species lists?
  3. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    Give Miscanthus giganteus a try...if you like the big ones, hard to beat this one.
  4. M. D. Vaden

    M. D. Vaden Active Member 10 Years

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    Beaverton, Oregon
    Maybe elsewhere. In 10 years I've never seen one seed sprout in a west Portland landscape. But maybe down in parts of California, I may have heard reports of germination. Locally, not just 10 years, but I've never seen one grow from seed. Blue fescue a few times. Pampas for sure near Brookings, OR and north CA.

    Just looked that one up on Wikipedia - sterile it says. There's a promotional aspect for several regions. Yeah, I'd love to try one over 10 feet tall.

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