Appreciation: Fragrant plants

Discussion in 'How's It Growing?' started by wcutler, Aug 28, 2020.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I was going to do a thread on fragrant flowers, but the first fragrant plant I came upon today features fragrant leaves - Melianthus major. I know this as the peanut butter bush, and it does come up when you query that. There is no fragrance until you stroke the leaves, but it seems to build up and get less appealing. I like this plant because I learned the term "winged rachis" from it - the part of the stem connecting the leaflets has little wings on it.
    Melianthus-major_MortonPark_Cutler_20200828_143434.jpg Melianthus-major_MortonPark_Cutler_20200828_143534.jpg Melianthus-major_MortonPark_Cutler_20200828_143539.jpg Melianthus-major_MortonPark_Cutler_20200828_143639.jpg

    A block from me is a seven sons plant - Heptacodium miconioides. The second photo is not quite in focus, but it does show the seven sons on the flower buds just to the left of the top part of the stem.
    Heptacodium-miconioides_BidwellDavie_Cutler_20200828_142517.jpg Heptacodium-miconioides_BidwellDavie_Cutler_20200828_142439.jpg

    There are two Clerodendrum trichotomum trees (or quite sizeable shrubs) on the path along the edge of Stanley Park. They were getting a lot of attention on one of the West End Facebook groups last week - the fragrance is really noticeable.
    Clerodendrum-trichotomum_StanleyParkNelson_Cutler_20200828_145515.jpg Clerodendrum-trichotomum_StanleyParkNelson_Cutler_20200828_145811.jpg

    The Colletia in Stanley Park at the Lord Stanley statue is in bloom. These are in a few locations in the park, all the same, and not to my eye matching any species I have seen photographed. These flowers are around 1 cm in any direction. I think this is early for them to bloom. The last photo is of one of the shrubs at the rose garden.
    ColletiaSp_LordStanleyStatue_Cutler_20200828_152154.jpg ColletiaSp_LordStanleyStatue_Cutler_20200828_152414.jpg LordStanleyStatue_Cutler_20200828_152443.jpg ColletiaSp_StanleyPark-RoseGardenDr_Cutler_20200828_153223.jpg

    I learned about these Heliotropium arborescens when I posted them for ID earlier in the month. The attribute name seems not apt, but I see that they can grow to a little over one meter tall, so ok. I did not notice the fragrance when I first saw them, but it was very evident today, and I think they were not around other fragrant plants.
    Heliotropium-arborescens_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_152921.jpg Heliotropium-arborescens_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_152932.jpg

    Also in the rose garden are Oreganum vulgare, oregano or wild marjoram, which Douglas Justice described in his August 2020 In the Neighbourhood - UBC Botanical Garden blog. I think the third photo is O. vulgare 'Thumble's Variety'.
    Origanum-vulgare_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_154252.jpg Origanum-vulgare_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_154253.jpg Origanum-vulgareThumble'sVariety_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_154630.jpg

    I get to include a rose in this posting - Rosa 'Beverly', a hybrid tea.
    RosaBeverly-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_153428.jpg RosaBeverly-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_153435.jpg RosaBeverly-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200828_153443.jpg

    I welcome all fragrant contributions to this thread.
    Margot likes this.
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I forgot one, though I have posted it previously. Prosanthera cuneata, alpine mint bush, which @Margot has posted recently as well. Today I remembered to rub the tiny leaves - yes, very minty.
    Prosanthera-cuneata_StanleyPark-BeachAveOffice_Cutler_20200828_144934.jpg Prosanthera-cuneata_StanleyPark-BeachAveOffice_Cutler_20200828_145025.jpg
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Well, nobody's adding any fragrant plants here, so I'm going to insert a couple more photos of Melianthus major leaves, just because. I like the way water beads up on them, like on Alchemilla mollis.
    Melianthus-major_MortonPark_Cutler_20200918_140110.jpg Melianthus-major_MortonPark_Cutler_20200918_140136.jpg
  4. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Here are a few of mine that are highly scented in my garden. My first is my new Elaeagnus ebbingei with such tiny flowers that are almost invisible on the plant. Followed by Philadelphus 'Mock orange virginal', Daphne 'Eternal fragrance', Lavendula 'Little Lottie', Azalea 'luteum'and finally my toffee apple trees, Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Katsura'.

    But just two more from June my Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Star Jasmin'. And August my Lilium 'Santander'.

    I try to have the whole of Spring, Summer and Autumn of perfume and these are just a few of what I have to fulfil this.

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