Can I trim Height of this magnolia by 10 or more feet?

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by Lena Townend, Aug 24, 2022.

  1. Lena Townend

    Lena Townend New Member

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    No experience here. Advice needed.

    We inherited this magnolia tree which is far too big for the small yard especially since we are adding on to the house. Can I bring it way down and make it more umbrella shaped? We’d hate to remove it.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    How does adding to the house relate? You are planning to build over the footprint (root system) of the tree? Otherwise if you do something like cut it in half and try to carve it into a shape it would not have otherwise you will have effectively destroyed the specimen anyway. So that there will not be that much difference between doing that and cutting it down to the ground.
    Georgia Strait likes this.
  3. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    I don't think the tree is too large for your yard. I was expecting to see a really big old tree. You may appreciate the shade one day. I agree with Ron, magnolia will not take that kind of restructuring, so it would be better to remove if you really don't think you can keep it there.
    Georgia Strait likes this.
  4. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    extremely useful info already posted —- even if you were building a paved patio outdoor zone (not necessarily expanding your house footprint) - you’d likely need to consider whether it is wise to cover the root zone of this nice tree.

    @Ron B - QUESTION — is there a typical root spread for this type of plant tree?

    If it does need to be removed, do these trees sucker (like some Pac NW trees do after removal)

    maybe - depending on the side yard access of this house - AND - assuming tree is healthy - there are companies in her town that remove and re-sell large shrubs / trees like this.

    perhaps one factor to help the OP make decision is how much water this tree uses and how much water is avail esp these days
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2022
  5. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    It is expected that most fully developed - as opposed to recently planted - trees will have a root system that extends well beyond the spread of their branches.
    Georgia Strait likes this.

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