Thank you all very much. You have been most helpful. I have one other, an orchid, there were 3 orchids given to me but 2 were identified a Doritaenopsis (Phaleanopsis x Doritis) Leopard Prince and a Phalaenopsis Exotic Lady but I am afraid the 3rd was not and it is not in bloom. I have never kept orchids before but there is a wealth if info on the net. I will try to get some pictures of the 3rd plant later today, rather distinct leaves but not sure that will be enough to figure out the genus. Here are pictures of the Orchid I mentioned. If anyone would know the Genus I would be grateful.
Re: Looking for help with identification please Your orchid reminds me of Epidendrums, but you'll have to wait for a bloom, I'm afraid, for an exact or even correct ID.