20180906 - Victoria - Update on Long-term Mycological Survey Observatory Hill - Sept 6 2018

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Kem, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. Kem

    Kem Active Member

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    Metchosin, BC
    The first SVIMS meeting, on Thursday, September 6, 7:00 pm, will be at the usual location, the Pacific Forestry Centre.

    Fittingly, the 2018-2019 series of meeting talks will be launched by our very own mycological superstar, Oluna Ceska. Adolf and Oluna were part of the team that founded SVIMS in the 1990s. Oluna will give us a sneak peak at the talk of the presentation that she will be giving to the North American Mycological Association meeting in Washington in October. It is an update of her work on Observatory Hill in Saanich, a project that is probably the longest running scientific census of mushroom species in a confined location in North America. Oluna has identified more than 1400 species.

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