Hi all! I am new to this community, and also new to taking care of a Jade plants. I recently bought a large Jade Plant, and in the last few...
Hello if you have hoyas let's chat!
Hello plant friends, How do you normally choose propagation stations? I'm looking to propagate my pothos and I came across these propagation...
[ATTACH] Hi - My corn plant is not doing so well and keeps getting dark brown or black leaves close to the stem. I was asked to gently pull them...
Hi all! I’ve just joined this forum and am so happy to be here! Please forgive me if I’m posting in the wrong thread or duplicating a question...
Hey guys, So on Monday, I noticed that 2 leaves from my pothos plant went black over night...I had no idea why, the soil was moist because I had...
Hi, I bought a Dracaena literally today (two plants in one planter), got home and the taller one seems quite loose.. It may be from where i was...
No matter what I try my plant is not happy. I left watering longer, then shorter both didn’t work. I live in the uk so I’m not sure wether the air...
Hello UBC: I was quite surprised and delighted to find a seed pod on my Stephanotis when I took it out of the window for transplanting. I...
This is my 2 year old jade plant. Unfortunately, I have no idea what this brown scale-like infection is... I'm thinking fungal especially with the...
Hello everyone, I think it may be TWO separate issues causing my yellowing leaves. I have a meyer lemon tree in a pot. I've had it for around 5...
Helpful tips on how to grow and care for a xanadu? Mine seems to be dying bit by bit
my schefflera plant / umbrella plant has these small brown/dark spotting on the leaves!! it is mainly on new growth but i have removed the leaves...
These guys have been popping up recently in my Lady Clivia houseplant. The plant itself is healthy and doesn't seem to be bothered by them, but...
This plant is fairly new, my other plants are doing perfectly fine but this seems to have curled at the edges? I have been watering it as soon as...
I just got this tiny (I think burgundy?) rubber tree about 2 weeks ago and I noticed one of the leaves are turning brown on the tip. I'm not sure...
Hi! I bought an tiny elephant bush plant from a general store(?) a week ago and was wondering if I should be removing the soil it came in and...
This is my cactus. It's a year old and recently has started getting white spots all over it?? It's getting fertilizer (not sure if it's cactus...
Anyone have any ideas on how to help my Schefflera? It's been dropping leaves at the base (they get yellow and fall off but they don't brown, and...
I'm moving from a place with large Southeast facing windows to an apartment with one big North facing window (floor to ceiling) with a covered...