i've had a larger peace lily for about a year and a half now. when i bought it at my local gardening center, it had one fully bloomed spathe ( i...
I’m new to raising Venus Flytraps, this is my first one actually. It has recently turned entirely black only a few months after I bought it. The...
Hi, please could you tell me whether the mushroom is toxic and how best to remove it? It is behind the toilet seat!
Hi guys, im wondering could anyone help me, i am looking into how Winter heliotrope (petasites fragrans) affects other plants, as not much study...
I'm sorry I don't have a photo but, I bought a packet of delonix regia seeds and soaked them for a day in warm water to get them ready for...
Hi, I have what is believed to be an indoor Madagascar Dragon Plant. I've had this plant for at least 4 years and it grows at a fairly slow rate,...
Our 30 year old houseplant died and I must replace it. It turns out hat although the screw pine is a very common house plant, no garden centers...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I looked online for hours to what this may be but I have had no luck in doing so ... maybe someone here can help me....
my mom bought a blue desert gems cactus a few months ago and i’ve been trying to take care of it since. after doing some digging around two months...
Hi guys, So I am a 22 yo student in Cardiff at an art school - previously worked in garden centres and have been around a huge variety of plants...
I recently purchased a lime tree that was leaning very badly one way. It was the only one my local nursery had in stock and I wanted one badly. I...
Hi- I have few questions/concerns regarding my garden, and hoping to get some expert opinions! The first is in regards to black mondo grass. My...
Hello, I am novice gardener. I recently brought a dracaena and am keeping it indoors. I’m worried because several of the leaves had brown spots...
Earlier today I became aware that plants were being sold by a sect of the biology department at my college. They had more than they wanted and...
Hello, I am completely new to indoor gardening. I live in Cairo, Egypt and plant stores aren't really frolicking in the streets. I don't even...
My Pachypodium was doing well for years. This summer, new leaves started turning black from the tips, drying up, and falling off. There are...
i recently adopted this cactus and the only info the lady gave me was that she has had it 20+ years. Can anyone help to tell me if it is roting or...
Hi there. Four years ago (May 2013) I bought two "Autumn Blaze" (Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred') Maples from a local nursery and had them...
I wanted to know if my cactus could be recovered? I believe I've over watered the plant and it was turning brown. In the past few weeks I've...
Hi - I have an unknown species of cactus that has been healthy for a long time! Over the past few weeks, he's been bending at the top more and...