‘Akebono’ [ATTACH] One of Georgia Strait’s favourite cherry trees at Sunnycrest Mall parking lot. Snow plows are busy today.
Nice photos!
The three ‘Whitcomb’ at the Nicola mini park are looking quite healthy - and they are all showing ‘a bit’ of colour. Not from 2 blocks away,...
On January 8, I noticed some sparse ‘Whitcomb’ blossoms on the trees at Pendrell and Gilford as well, but I was not able to photograph them.
The three ‘Whitcomb’ on Nicola, north of Beach seem to have a lot of potential this year. Nice to see some pink. Definitely not visible from two...
Also at the same location (Pacific, west of Burrard) is a ‘Whitcomb’ tucked away in the courtyard. It has a few pretty pink blossoms now - but...
Wendy was right. The ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ on Pacific west of Burrard are quite showy now. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
This is feeble, but…we do have an ’Accolade’ with a few buds on Franklin Street in Gibsons. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
“Autumnalis Rosea” at Lost Lagoon looking sparse. Very sparse. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The four “Autumnalis Rosea’ on Pacific east of Bute are just starting to show some colour. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I noticed this single ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ at 5500 Parkwood Way in Richmond Auto Mall from one block away. It’s certainly not ‘blooming now’ but it...
There may be fresh snow on the North Shore mountains today, [ATTACH] but we have pink snow in Langdale. [ATTACH]
Good location to compare ‘Shiro-fugen’ (left) to ‘Kanzan’ (right) - at the end of Sunnyside Rd in Gibsons. [ATTACH]
‘Ama-no-gawa’ on Harry Road up from Bonniebrook still hanging in there. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]