You are right that cooler weather interferes with nutrient uptake. It is a bit early for the cool weather to really impact citrus in our area...
Too much salt in the soil (or water) causes edge and tip burn on the leaves, it is quite distinctive. There is no sign of that in the photos.
I think the other comments provided so far are all on the right track. The photos do show signs of insufficient nutrition and the symptoms do...
You might try fertilizing them more. A fertilizer with micro nutrients is best. Something like Miracle Grow works fine. Citrus are heavy...
That looks like citrus greasy spot to me. I would suggest removing all the infected material that is practical to remove and treating with a...
Most citrus do not need pollination to set fruit. However, if you want to pollinate you can use a brush on the stamen first to pick up pollen,...
There are several possible reasons, e.g. one may have a bit of root rot, or phosphorus (or other nutrient) levels may be insufficient in one but...
Sad to say but the kumquat seems to have died. The new sprout is not a kumquat, it is a trifoliate orange used as a rootstock for the kumquat....
We use small electric outdoor gazebo heaters connected to a thermostat that kicks in just above freezing in our greenhouse. The heaters supply...
We recently started making citrus sorbet and slushies with the juice from the fruit produced by our collection of citrus plants. We purchased a...
This weekend we had another lovely harvest of citrus fruit as can be seen in the photo. Even with the severe cold outside (reached below -10C...
How much to thin the fruit is quite subjective. The more you thin the fruit the more nutrients the plant has to stage a recovery, but the fewer...
That is a pretty normal reaction of a mature key lime to stress and changes in its environment: drop most leaves, then flower, then make shoots...