Removed the comfrey...found this, any ideas?
I'm in Vancouver on and off over the winter so I could easily come over to pick it up.
Anyone have a clump (in Vancouver) that they wouldn't miss a piece of?
Here is a photo, not great. It's the one with the pink flowers (a big purple flower rhodo is behind it). Here is a photo. Not a great one....
Even though it is about 7 feet tall and gangly?
It's well established in the ground. How aggressively do you think I could prune it? It's about 7' high.
Hello, the stem is definitely woody and it is quite tall - about 7 feet. Do you think I could prune it down to about half without killing it?
I've inherited some new plants. This beauty is blooming right now. The flowers are about the size of a dinner plate (10"). Attached is a photo of...
I have one peach tree with curly leaf. I've read that it needs epsom salts. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thank-you.
Thanks, I thought of that and checked the soil. It's evenly moist all through. It must be something else.
We have some beautiful large robust raspberries and some canes that have berries that are small and crumbling. Do you know what is causing this...