Thanks Wendy for the cuttings! It was nice chatting with you. I'll post pics again once they bloom.
Hi Wendy - I hope you had a great summer! If your cutting is still available I'd love a piece! I don't know what happened to the message you...
Hi Wendy thanks very much for the messages! So sorry for not replying sooner - I was not checking messages this summer! This is indeed a gorgeous...
Thanks Wendy - I'll do that - spring is just around the corner! :)
I love these plants - I had a small collection of Streptocarpus that I propagated from leaf cuttings and a big bushy Streptocarpella that lasted...
Difficult to tell what kind of plant it is - even with a better pic. It looks like there are some green leaves so there might be hope yet - give...
Have you tried West Coast Jungle on East Broadway near Main st? West coast jungle
For anyone living in or near East Vancouver - We're having a house-plant cutting swap at Templeton Pool on Feb 16 at 3pm if you have any...
They look like Norfolk Island pines to me - tropical house plants that cannot be planted or put outside anywhere in Canada this time of year. If...
I would buy a new bigger pot - not a lot bigger, but it's not good having it stick out over the top like that. Looks like a healthy palm!
Thanks for the suggestions folks. I don't have a big garden and probably wouldn't use a chipper that much. But I really liked the idea of being...
Hi guys Thanks for the replies. Ron, do you recall what kind/brand you borrowed that was so ineffective? Barbara, I don't even know where to...
Hi All I'm thinking of getting a small chipper/shredder for my garden. Does anyone have any information on what types of good inexpensive...