I think survival of the trees depends on how much of the circumference is affected by the wire. If the wire was in contact in a "U" with an open...
These are the only three I have, of six that germinated. Mea culpa, they stayed too wet.
I actually still have the smaller ones, I dug them back out of the pots after I gave up on them sprouting. I was going to dissect a couple but...
I'd be interested in anything size-related you can find out. Last year I bought seeds of P. coulteri, which were two distinct sizes. All the...
Perhaps it is some kind of nut? Squirrels like to stash things in pots. I've had a couple of walnut seedlings appear that way; wouldn't have know...
Use an extendable hedge trimmer with an articulating head. You won't be able to scalp it down as short as with a string trimmer without ruining...
Thank you! I've really been missing this forum!
Wish I had that to tackle! So fun. You can snip off the new shoots on the trunk to bare it. I would maybe pick a couple that are strong and...
What do you have down on the beds for mulch? I find a deep layer of coarse wood chips keeps the buttercups at bay. They send out their runners...
Fatsia japonica. Yes, it should branch out a bit more if you cut it like you are thinking. Here is a decent page on it:...
I haven't heard of anyone using them as annuals ($$$). As for the rest of your questions, yes to all. We used them a lot in planters at...
My suspicion is that the roots have rotted off, based on the wilted look of the newer leaves and the presence of the fungus gnats. If that is the...
I tried it some years ago in a different garden. The main lesson I learned was that the corn needs a substantial head start on the beans. Pretty...
Regarding amending the soil, please read https://www.gardenmyths.com/soil-amendments-dont-amend-before-planting/ And I agree with Ron that...
There are plenty of bugs out there that bite and cause a reaction, that one wouldn't think to be a problem. I was told by someone, likely my...