Are these still available?
Good morning to you, Acerholic, although, Good evening might be more appropriate to you at this point. Thank you for your reply and you may be...
My friend is looking for some strawberries of the Royal sovereign variety. We are in the South Surrey, British Columbia area in Canada. I...
Hi, I would like to reproduce an Enkianthus perulatus. What is the most successful way to do this? Thanks, in advance. I am in the south...
Ignore all that. I have just figured out that it is an "Ivory Silk" tree which is a chinese lilac tree. Completely different creature. I wish they...
Am considering doing a large bonsai with it to control it.
Now I'm rethinking the silk tree I bought at an Earth Day event. Are they really messy on cars? Sticky or just need raking? Will they bloom in June?
Thanks Ron, Ralph and Michael, Sounds like I have a choice. Now I just need to find some berry samples............... Michael, When I was in...
Thank you, Ron. I'll check around.
I would like to grow an elderberry tree in order to eat the fruit and use the elderflowers for cordial. What type would you recommend? Where can I...