Thanks C. Wick. And I love your enthusiasm. I got lucky with the photos - spotting the white dots on the moss was serendipity. I'm going to pay...
Thanks Daniel. Update on slime mold - First picture - shows what the same slime mold looked like this afternoon, after it rained overnight....
Slime Molds Daniel, I never thought of slime mold. Thanks to your tip I did a new search and discovered that slime mold used to be classified...
Are these beauties fungi? Can someone identify what looks like fungi on this moss and leaf? I spotted these white dots as I was admiring all...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Trade Lists boloxis - Sorry you missed the swap. Didn't you have the street address? The swap was in the back...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Discussion Thank you all. I just got home from the plant swap, and what a great way it was to spend a Sunday...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Discussion To Karin - About the Thelypteris decursive-pinnata. Are you offering one for trade? If yes, what...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Discussion To Eve von Paradis - Did you say you'll be bringing bundles of Lavender Grosso wands to barter for...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Discussion Wanted - Narrow Beech Fern (Thelypteris phegopteris) - Does anybody have this native BC fern? (also...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Discussion I've added some more plants for the swap on the my trade-list, here -...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Discussion Thanks for hosting the swap Lily. I'm looking forward to some garden chatter again. It's always fun...
Re: Vancouver Swap : Oct 18 - Trade Lists Hello all - Here's a partial list of extra plants I have Aruncus dioicus (Goatsbeard) - native...
Re: Dame’s Rocket, (Hesperis matronalis) The plant shown in the CalPhoto link you provided is actually Lunaria annua (not Hesperis matronalis as...
Hi Roger, You don't say what ferns you'd like to transplant but I'll give you my two cents worth of experience with ferns. I've...