This is so strange, I am by Trout Lake in East Van and I have a dwarf apple tree (Pineaple Renette) and 2 plum trees (Reine-Claude) who are giving...
I went yesterday to Hunter's garden on Broadway and got the last Adiantum Peruvianum. It's a little banged up and dried up but I was so happy to...
I called them and they said they get a flat of mixed ferns every thursday. The person on the phone said she saw it before.
I didn't get one yet. I am waiting for a local one. Do you remember where you saw them? I found maidenferns with rosy tips at Canadian Tire recently.
Thank you Junglekeeper, Siamgreenculture has quite a selection!
Silver Dollar, Adiantum Peruvianum, ...Same here. I had one years ago, it was so beautiful but I foolishly gave it away when I moved. I have been...
Mine died after giving me tons of flowers it was a joy to have around. Unfortunately, I have never come accross another one. Lots of african...
The squirrels have been active, I just found 2 more seedlings in my garden. Do you want one or both?
The 2 trees I have in my garden are from the seller from the farmer's market. He used to sell those Butler hazelnut in fall but all his Butler...
Sorry it has been taken. I will most likely have more next year since the squirrels keep burying the nuts in my garden.
Butler Azelnuts are the very big sweet variety you want to eat fresh. (as sold at the Trout lake Farmer's Market 2 years back) I found a seedling...
The Reine Claudes from my trees are golden/green when ripe. Extremely juicy and sweet. The skin is thin and does not have this acid tang most...