Litchi Tomato (Solanum sysimbrifolium)

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    Litchi Tomato (Solanum sysimbrifolium) 11 April 2009 Litchi Tomato (Solanum sysimbrifolium) Morelle de Balbis Growth, since 18 February 2009 15 August 2009 Litchi Tomato (Solanum sysimbrifolium)
    The four plants are producing ripe fruit. Two plants are in my garden and two are in a friends garden. The seedlings were supplied from my stock.

    The fruit is very small about a 1.5 cm in diameter, pleasant tasting when fully ripe (red). The fruit grows in widely dispersed clusters of from about 10 to 12 berries in each cluster, qnd don't all ripen at the same time, and height presently is about 2 meters. To get any reasonable quantity a large number of plants would be required. Berries must be very ripe to get the flavor, and the base of the berry opens when pulled from the vine. This means they need be eaten as picked, since in a container they would probably become mush become mush.

    To have even a home garden use, other than novelity, the berries would have to be at least twice the size.

    Conclusion: The berries have no commercial value and marginal value in a home garden.

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